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发表于 2019-8-16 00:04:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


本次会议和论坛的主题围绕“Thinking outside the square: towards a broader appreciation of interactions between exercise and the immune system”展开,大会接受涉及相关领域内容的稿件。

征文内容1.运动与免疫Exercise and Immunity;2.运动与代谢;Exercise and Metabolism;3.运动与慢性病;Exercise and Chronic diseases;4.体质健康与体适能;Physical health and Physical fitness;5.提高竞技能力的生物学研究;Biological research to improve competitive ability;6.运动训练的生理生化监控;Physiological and Biochemical monitoring of sports training;7.特殊环境与运动;Special environment and Sports;8.运动促进健康的生物学机制;Biological mechanism of exercise promoting health;9.运动适应的生物学基础;Biological basis of exercise adaptation;10.运动与抗衰老的生物学机制;Biological mechanism of exercise and anti-aging;11.运动表型的组学研究;A omics study of the sports phenotype;12.运动营养与运动表现提升;Sports nutrition and Sports performance improvement;13.营养与大众健康。Nutrition and Public health.
(4)摘要正文:中文:五号宋体,字数600-1000字;英文字体:12号Times New Roman字体,字数300-500字。文字力求准确、精炼、通顺,按目的、方法、结果、结论四部分撰写。摘要正文不得有图表,行间距1.5倍;
4.征文的截稿日期为 2019年9月30日,逾期不予受理;


Dr Amanda Cox is a Senior Lecturer with the School of Medical Science at Griffith University and a member of the Infection and Immunity Group with the Menzies Health Institute Queensland. She has spent the last 15 years pursuing clinical translation research applying a holistic experimental approach to understand risk factors for disease and evaluate relevant intervention approaches. Her research contributions include consideration of illness risk in elite athletes, one of the earliest probiotic supplementation studies in high performing athletes, and genetic and phenotypic risk scoring approaches in the context of diabetic cardiovascular disease and metabolic disease. Most recently, Dr Cox’s research has focused on the various roles of the gut in obesity-associated inflammation and risk for metabolic disease, the cross-talk between inflammatory and metabolic pathways, and ongoing consideration of mucosal immune networks in chronic disease states.

Monika Fleshner, PhD is a professor in the Department of Integrative Physiology, a member of the Center for Neuroscience, the director of the Stress Physiology laboratory, and the winner of the international 2019 Norman Cousins Award from the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society and the national 2016 Guyton Distinguished Lectureship Award from the Association of Chairs of Departments of Physiology. She teaches undergraduate and graduate immunology and has trained ~50 MS/PhD/Postdoctoral students. Her integrative research program focuses on understanding 1) the impact of acute and chronic stressor exposure (mental and physical) on behavior, neural, hormonal and immunological function; 2) how such systems interact to affect the whole organism; and 3) the mechanisms of increased stress robustness (resistance/resilience) produced by exercise, prebiotics and cannabis constituents. She has published ~193 peer-reviewed articles and has a GoogleScholar h-index of 73. Dr. Fleshner serves on the editorial boards of the Neurobiology of Stress, Brain, Behavior and Immunity (DAMPs, Special Issue) and Frontiers in Neuroscience. The National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense, and Mead Johnson Nutrition have previously funded her research program. Current funding is provided by the Office of Naval Research and NASA. Dr. Fleshner has served as a member of the College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Budget Committee (2017-present), the Chair of the Boulder Faculty Assembly (BFA) Budget and Planning Committee (2014-2016), a member of the BFA Executive Committee (2014-2016), faculty associate for the Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of Colorado in Boulder (2009-2013), as President of the International Society for Exercise Immunology (ISEI, 2011-2013), and President (2011-2012) and Secretary/Treasurer (2004-2006) of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society (PNIRS).
Stéphane Bermon is a Sports Physician (MD) and Exercise Physiologist (PhD). He has worked with professional soccer and cycling teams, as well as professional athletes for two decades. He has been a member of the Medical and Anti Doping Commission at the International Associations of Athletics Federations (IAAF) from 2004 to 2015. He still has a clinical activity at the Monaco Institute of Sports Medicine and Surgery (IM2S). Stéphane is also the Director of the Health and Science Department at the IAAF. His research interests have been on Exercise Immunology, but he is for several years more focusing on Applied Science in Athletics, which includes Endocrinology and physical performances. He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles or books. Stéphane is a former professional snowboarder and still practices endurance sports, ski and kitesurfing.

Ana Maria Teixeira is Associated Professor at the Faculty of Sports Science and Physical Education, University of Coimbra, Portugal, coordinator of the PhD Course in Sports Science and member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty. She is a member of the operational group of the Ageing@Coimbra consorsium and member of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Aging A2 and A3 Action Groups – Falls Prevention and Frailty; President elect of the International Society for Exercise and Immunology, member of the European College of Sport Science, member of the European Society of Clinical Investigation and member of the Editorial Board of Coimbra University Press. She was President of the Execute Council of the Sport Sciences and Physical Education Faculty from 2002 to 2006. She has a PhD in Haemathology from the London Medical School, University College London, University of London (1996), a MSc in Immunology from the University of Porto, Portugal and a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Main research field is exercise immunology, working namely on the Influence of exercise in immunosenescence, on health promotion in the elderly with emphasis on hormonal mediation of exercise on cognition and the role of exercise on inflammation and chronic diseases. Other interests include the athlete mucosal immunity and prevention of fatigue.
David Nieman is a professor in the College of Health Sciences at Appalachian State University, and director of the Human Performance Lab at the North Carolina Research Campus (NCRC) in Kannapolis, NC (www.transforming-science.com). Dr. Nieman is a pioneer in the research area of exercise immunology, and helped establish that 1) regular moderate exercise lowers upper respiratory tract infection rates while improving immunosurveillance, 2) heavy exertion increases infection rates while causing transient changes in immune function, and 3) that carbohydrate and flavonoid ingestion by athletes attenuates exercise-induced inflammation.  Dr. Nieman’s current work is centered on investigating unique nutritional products as countermeasures to exercise- and obesity-induced immune dysfunction, inflammation, illness, and oxidative stress using a multi-omics approach.  Dr. Nieman has received $10 million in research grants and published more than 360 peer-reviewed publications in journals and books, and sits on 10 journal editorial boards including Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Nutrients, and the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. Dr. Nieman’s Google Scholar h-index is 94, and his publications have been cited more than 32,000 times. He is the author of nine books on health, exercise science, and nutrition, including Nutritional Assessment (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2019, now in its 7th edition). Dr. Nieman served as vice-president of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), president of SEACSM, and two terms as president of the International Society of Exercise and Immunology. Dr. Nieman received the “100 Scholars Faculty Research Award” from ASU in 1997, the Montoye Scholar Award from the Southeastern American College of Sports Medicine in 2006, the ASU College of Fine and Applied Arts researcher of the year award in 2006, ACSM’s Citation Award in 2013, and represented ASU four times as the Oliver Max Gardner nominee (ASU’s highest award). He was an acrobatic gymnast and coach for 10 years, and has run 58 marathons (PR 2:37) and ultramarathons
Barbara Wessner is Associated Professor in Centre of Sport Science and University Sports, University of Vienna.Her main areas of research: (1) Molecular, cellular and physiological responses of skeletal muscle to exercise and nutrition during health, ageing and disease; (2) Nutrition and exercise-induced immune modulation; (3) Contribution of genetics to exercise performance.
Esteem Factors: (1) Head of the Local Scientific Board - 21st Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Vienna, Austria, 06.-09.07.2016 (2800  participants) ; (2)Congress President - 12th symposium of the International Society of Exercise and Immunology (ISEI), Vienna, Austria, 06.-09.07.2015 (200 participants) ; (3) Scientific Board Member of the International Society of Exercise and Immunology (http://www.isei.dk/) ;(4) Executive Board Member of the Austrian Society of Sport Science (http://www.oe-s-g.at/) ; (5) Faculty Member of the European Master in Public Health and Physical Activity, University of Rome “Foro Italico”, Rome, Italy ; (6) Co-Editor for “Molekulare Sport- und Leistungsphysiologie”, Springer, Vienna, Austria ; (7) Editorial Team Member for Current Issues in Sport Science (CISS), ISSN: 2414-6641; (8) Guest Editor for Special Issue of Nutrients (ISSN 2072-6643), Nutrients Intake, Exercise and Healthy Ageing ; (9)Guest Editor for Special Issue of Mediators of Inflammation (ISSN 0962-9351), Immunometabolism: Molecular Mechanisms, Diseases, and Therapies 2018 ; (10) Reviewer for several journals such as Journal of Applied Physiology, PLOS One, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, Age, European Journal of Applied Physiology, Nutrients. Selected memberships: (1) Since 2019American College of Sports Medicine; (2) Since 2006 European College of Sport Science ; (3) Since 2005 Austrian Society of Clinical Nutrition ; (4) Since 2008Austrian Society of Sport Science.

Ricardo Cos:2013-Present: Senior Lecturer & Chief/Principal Investigator in Sports Dietetics & Extremes Physiology. Monash University, Faculty of Medicine Nursing & Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition Dietetics & Food, Australia.
- Chief/Principal Investigator

- Higher Degree by Research (PhD) Coordinator- Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food

Graduate Research Industry Partnership Food and Dairy Co-Director and Leader of Medicine Program.

- Sports Dietetic & Extremes Physiology Research Group Leader.

- BASE Facility Nutrition & Exercise Clinic Leader.

Areas of Research: Exercise & Nutrition Immunology, Environmental Physiology & Immunity, Exercise Gastroenterology, Public Health Nutrition, Sports Dietetics, Sport & Exercise Nutrition.

Mitsuharu Okutsu is Associate Professor in Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Nagoya City University, Japan.
Research Interests: (1) Muscle physiology and biology; (2) Skeletal muscle physiology and biology in exercise; (3) Skeletal muscle atrophy; (4) Regulation of antioxidants in skeletal muscle; (4)   Angiogenesis in skeletal muscle; (5) Muscle contractile activity
Academic Publications:
Yamada M, Hokazono C, Okutsu M* (*Corresponding author). Maternal exercise training attenuates endotoxin-induced sepsis in mice offspring. Biochem Biophys Rep. 15:19-24, 2018.
Yamada M, Iwata M, Warabi E, Oishi H, Lira VA, Okutsu M* (*Corresponding author). p62/SQSTM1 and Nrf2 are essential for exercise-mediated enhancement of antioxidant protein expression in oxidative muscle. FASEB J. 33(7):8022-8032, 2019.

Richard John Simpson is an Associate Professor in the department of Nutritional Sciences (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) at the University of Arizona and hold joint appointments in Pediatrics (College of Medicine) and Immunobiology (College of Medicine). I am also part of the mentoring team for the Physiological Sciences and Cancer Biology Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs, which recruit students who are continuing in education.  My research interests are concerned with the effects of aging, stress and exercise on the immune system, and the role of adrenergic receptor signaling on immune cell redistribution and activation. Major focus areas include understanding (1) how exercise and other behavioral interventions can offset age-related decrements in the normal functioning of the immune system (immunosenescence), (2) how adrenergic receptor signaling can be used to improve cellular products for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and immunotherapy, (3) the interplay between the immune and neuroendocrine system during high level human performance and extreme isolation (i.e. space travel), and  (3) how persistent virus infections such as cytomegalovirus (CMV) can alter the phenotype and function of T-cells and NK-cells to protect the host from certain hematological malignancies. My current research is supported by NASA, the NIH (National Cancer Institute) and industry.
Jonathan Peake,PhD, University of Queensland (2004); Master of Physical Education, University of Otago (2000); Bachelor of Physical Education with Honours (Class 1), University of Otago (1997).2018 to present: Senior Lecturer, School of Biomedical Science, Queensland University of Technology. 2011 to present: Senior Research Affiliate, Queensland Academy of Sport.
(1)Queensland University of Technology, Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation (2017)
(2)Mid-career research grant. $10,000. J. Peake, J Harris, T. Parker, T. Mori. (2017)
(3)Queensland Academy of Sport. Monitoring and promoting good sleep behaviour in athletes. $15,000. J. Peake and SJ Tan. (2017)
(4)Queensland Academy of Sport. Advanced biomarker profiling of exercise-induced fatigue and injury in athletes. $45,000. J. Peake, T. Parker, D. Broszczak (2017)
(5)Queensland Academy of Sport. Modality effects of heat-cooling cycles on resistance training outcomes in elite powerlifters. $7,812. J. Coleman-Stark, C. Gaviglio, J. Peake, G. Minett. (2017)
(6)Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. Characteristics of physical activity required to elevate circulating neuroprotective LG3 peptide as a novel stroke therapy. $40,000. T. Green, T. Parker, J. Peake, T. Horman. (2017)
(7)IHBI Carla Patterson Award for Outstanding Research. (2017)
(8)QUT US Biotechnology Convention fellowship.(2017)
(9)Invited Speaker at the 14 th Symposium of the International Society of Exercise and Immunology. Coimbra, Portugal.(2017)

Neil Walsh works in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences at Liverpool John Moores University. His team has produced leading research on: nutritional strategies to avoid immune suppression and infection; practical strategies to acclimate to the heat; and, new techniques for non-invasive biomonitoring of athletes and soldiers. His team’s work has influenced UK military policy by showing the benefits of preventing nutritional deficits in soldiers for both health and physical performance. Neil has published widely in international journals, co-authored a textbook in Exercise Immunology and led a highly cited consensus statement on exercise and immunity in 2011. More recently, Neil has co-authored consensus statements on ‘dietary supplements and the high performance athlete’ for the International Olympic Committee and ‘immunonutrition and exercise’ for the International Society of Exercise Immunology. He currently serves on the editorial board of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise and Exercise Immunology Review and has previously served as Physiology editor for Journal of Sports Sciences. Neil frequently provides education and training for staff at world-leading sports teams and organisations.

Katsuhiko Suzuki, M.D. & Ph.D. Professor, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Waseda University.
Study fields:Applied health sciences, Sport sciences, Immunology, Internal medicine
Research interests
(1) Risk assessment of acute and chronic exercise using biochemical and immunological variables.
(2)Analysis and assessment of immunity and inflammation centered on phagocytes and cytokines.
(3)Role of free radicals and antioxidants in health and diseases.
(4)Exercise prescription for lifestyle-related diseases.
(5)Assessment of anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties in food components
Research Achievements:
(1)K Suzuki. Chronic Inflammation as an Immunological Abnormality and Effectiveness of Exercise. Biomolecules 9(6), 223, 2019. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom9060223
(2)H Arazi, A Asadi, K Suzuki: β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate-free Acid Attenuates Oxidative Stress Induced by a Single Bout of Plyometric Exercise. Frontiers in Physiology 2019 (in press).
(3)K Suzuki. Characterization of Exercise-induced Cytokine Release, the Impacts on the Body, the Mechanisms and Modulations. Int J Sports Exerc Med 5, 122, 2019.

Mauro Martins Teixeira an MD PhD with certification in Internal Medicine (Brazil) and Infectious Diseases (DTMH, Royal Society). I work at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) since 1997 where I head a large group of scientists interested in the study of various aspects of the inflammatory response in the context of infection and sterile inflammation. My group is leading inflammation research center in Brazil. In the context of infection, our studies have provided convincing evidence that the inflammatory contributes to disease during host x microbial interactions and aspects of the inflammatory response can be targeted for the development of novel inflammation-based therapies to treat infection. For the last 10 years and because of the local relevance of these infections, I have coordinated the National Institute of Science and Technology in dengue and host-microbial interactions and, more recently, participated intensely in the National effort to define Zika research priorities. My clinical interest is mostly related to infectious diseases of local relevance, in particular, arboviral and protozoan infections.



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