2017年美国运动医学会年会将于2017年5月28号-6月3号在美国丹佛举行,届时将会有来自世界各地的6000多名专业人士汇聚一堂,共同参与世界上最全面的运动医学和运动科学会议。投稿网址:http://www.acsmannualmeeting.org 截止日期:2016年11月1日 ACSM's Annual Meeting and World Congresses are recognized for delivering outstanding programming and exceptional value year after year. This year's annual meeting will be held in Denver, Colorado from May 30 - June 3, 2017. More than 6,000 professionals from around the world will come together to enjoy the most comprehensive sports medicine and exercise science meeting in the world. If you can only choose one meeting, this should be the one. Website: http://www.acsmannualmeeting.org The deadline is Tuesday, November 1, 2016 (11:59 p.m. PST) |
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